Welcome to The Bottesford Bar! |
Friday, 12 November 2010 |
Welcome to the official website of The Bottesford Bar.
This website is dedicated to a home run bar/nightclub and the people that spent many hours in it.
The site is no longer updated in any significant way and stands as a monument to a different era... before the likes of Facebook removed the need for 'personal' websites.
If you've just stumbled across us then do take a look around and see if it any of it makes any sense to you (probably not!).
If you've come with a purpose then the following links will get you started.
From the 'History' section (*you will need to enable pop ups on this site to see some of these links*):
Any former member/visitor of The Bottesford Bar is entitled to a login to the site. If you'd like one, please Contact Us

(New Years Eve 2009 - the legacy lives on!)
Friday, 10 October 2008 |
Happy Birthday Bottesford Bar!
It's now 10 12 whole years since The Bottesford Bar was born...
From a small group of like minded 18 year olds who had the vision of running a bar... into a small bedroom of a load of drunken fools falling about the place it shaped the lives of a good few people over a period of 3-4 years.
Although the bar itself is now gone, it's legacy lives on through BOTTES-parties, the consumption of intoxicating liquids and all the technology we developed and paid for as part of running the place.
Perhaps in another 10 years you'll see a real life Bottesford Bar in a city centre near you?
UPDATE (13/10/2010) - The same statement still stands only we're now at over 12 years of age!
Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Trip |
Friday, 11 July 2008 |
Ever wondered what the area surrounding Chernobyl Atomic Power Plant now looks like?
Well look no further than our new gallery page here:
Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Gallery
These photos were taken on a recent (July 2008) trip to Ukraine which included a day trip to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. See the power plant itself as well as the ghost city of Prypyat - once home to 50,000 people.