The Diary: November 1998

The sudden desire (?) to drink all the time was satisfied by frequent visits to the pub (boozer). Mostly we would go to The Charlton Arms and have a one or two drinks... well sometimes a little more... No big parties this month- all drinking was in....

The Boozer

Joining us this month was Paul Staniac (Stan) and Andrew Jones (Big Jones or The Jones). Stan had his first taste of drinking and strangely enough it went to his head!
The first pint- a classic shot of Stan's first trip to the wonderful world of being drunk...

On to pint number 2....

The new (ish) couple- Zoe & Nick seen in the pub 

Stan & Linda pose with their pints for this shot- careful you don't spill that beer Stan!

Martin seen in a Simpsons tie drinking his pint!

She's stealing it! I only went up to the bar to get her another drink and she steals my pint! Don't think she liked it though!

Martin, Linda and Stan in the pub

Linda, Stan and Nick all consume the beverages!

Martin is camera shy and shows his appreciation of being photographed!

After a night at the boozer we stagger home....

Stan is seen staggering over the road before quickly getting out of the way! Zoe, hair all over, is seen watching on! 

And back to Nick's where we drink some non-alcoholic stuff and eat some food!

It's Nick grabbing Zoe's.... well you know what....

Linda & Martin make the appropriate gestures!

Martin again with that finger- Nick just waves his hands... 

Zoe shys from the camera as she steals and eats a biscuit!

At the end of the month Linda & Paul get together forming two couples in the group- with many more to follow....

Crazyness was not confined to the night- lunchtimes were always a source of madness. They usually consisted of eating toast, Linda asking for Wagon Wheels and on many occasions- having a bottle of beer!

Now this is an interesting shot- I call it The Pinnoccio shot- This is not my real nose! I'm not lying honest... You might need to see the full image for a clearer view!

Zoe & Nick generally messing around at lunchtime!